What is and what is not acceptable in a public restroom seems to be a very hot topic right now. Big bussiness are taking advantage of the sitiutaion to get a little free advertising . Everybody is walking around with a cellphone camera in their face giving thier opinion in hopes of going viral and becoming the next new thing. I have found myself in a few heated conversations over the subject and I am sure many of you have as well. I live in North Carolina where thoughts on public Bathrooms has taking on a whole life of it's own. Everyone thinks you are either promoting the public molestation of young girls or you are a racist bigot. People fail to see the grey area around a subject and choose to only see 2 sides when in fact the possibility for an opinion is endless. I believe that any opinion based on real facts can not be a wrong opinion.
So I have sat and thought about how shity public restrooms are and I figured since everyone is talking about them now would be a good time to bring up what I don't want in public restrooms!
1. Locks and latches within reach of a toddler . It is hard enough to use the potty with a toddler in the stall with you adding sound effects but it becomes a game of peekaboo with anyone standing outside when your toddler can reach the latch . Also Latches that are broken and have been replaced with locks that look like they were installed my Tim the tool man Taylor.
3. Changing stations across from the sinks or two steps inside the door. Wrangling a baby with a poopy diaper is hard enough without being right in the middle of the traffic flow and all the commentary from every snooty person who walks by. Is it too much to ask for the changing table to be inside an empty stall? Give the mother and baby a little privacy!
4. A mother breastfeeding on the toilet! In the diaper changing stall can we get a bench to sit down and feed our baby since so many people think breastfeeding in public is an abomination against nature or something now . Nobody should ever feel like they have to feed their baby in a public bathroom but if they choose to then there should be some place for them to sit and do it!
5. urinals with no stall/walls around it ! I was shocked when I walked into a mens restroom ( I have the bladder of a 3 year old and the alcohol tolerance to match) and seen grown men standing elbow to elbow with their, well you get the idea. Men deserve the same amount of privacy as women ! Who's idea was it to make men pee side by side anyhow? have they not seen how poorly they are at hitting the target?
6. Sinks and soap dispensers that can not be reached by any one under 5 foot tall. I have almost killed someone before trying to hold a baby on one hip and using my knee to lift my toddler up high enough that he could reach the sink to wash his hands. Why do public places think we are all 6 foot tall? this can also go for toilet height as well.
7. A kid getting a spanking. I know this goes against every parenting advice you have ever gotten but if you choose to spank your child do that shit at home! I hate walking into a restroom only to hear some little kid getting his behind tore up because he Touched something he shouldn't have. It takes everything I have not to say something to that parent. I think all public restrooms should have a sign that says No Spankings allowed in here!
8. Silence ! All public restrooms should have a todays hits station playing. The music should be just loud enough that you feel safe to fart. Men do not understand the skill we women have to learn to be able to pee and not fart. I am tired of not being able to poop in a public restroom for fear that someone might hear me and recognize my shoes later.
9. Toilet paper that I can see through. I know everyone is on a budget but come on now Angel soft is not that expensive! I am not asking for the quilted stuff just something that actually does the job without causing damage to the tender areas of a person. Heck you can't even blow your nose with the stuff found in most public restrooms.
10. Judgmental people! People who can not just walk into a restroom do what they need to do and walk out. The people who make comments about smells, sounds, or looks of another person. When I walk into a restroom I am thinking about one thing and that is to get in and get out without loosing a kid . I don't care who is next to me unless they have angel soft in their purse. I don't care if you play battle shits with the person next to you. I am not in there looking to make a new friend. I am not hanging around to see what the person next to me looks like. I am walking in and out with blinders on.
I want restrooms to be more user friendly and safer and I believe that we can have that one day without telling any group of people which restroom they can or can not use . I would love to not have to send my preteen son into the men's restroom alone. I would love for my husband to not have to send our daughter into the women's restroom alone. However like most people I am not comfortable with opening restrooms to any gender with the way restrooms are designed right now. Safety is and will always be my number 1 concern and that goes for those of the GLBT ( is that the right order?) community . Right now public restrooms offer very little privacy and security to its users and even less if you have to use the mens . Restrooms can be made to be gender neutral but still offer the privacy that people need by using full length stalls with functional locks. We would only be aware of who we were washing our hands next to and lets face it very few people are even washing their hands. It would be like a row of porta potty's In a room with a row of sinks that are designed for those both above and below 5 ft tall. Because Nobody cares who is using the porta potty beside them even though it is a gender neutral design.
I hope that some day we can redesign the public restroom so that it is safer for everyone and doesn't limit any one person the right to poop while listening to the newest Justin Timberlake song.