Thursday, December 10, 2015

Confessions of a Bad Mom : Dear Daughter

Confessions of a Bad Mom : Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter

Dear daughter,

You think you have the whole world figured out and that being a teenager is going to be the greatest thing ever.

Little do you know that you are about to face some of the hardest times of your life. Yes it has been a short life with not a whole lot to compare it to , but  being a teenager sucks.  What happens to you in the next few years will seem to last forever, These times can shape you or haunt you. I am here to help you along the way , But I know our relationship is about to be tested and I am trying to prepare myself .

From the moment you were born I have treated you like you were my personal Barbie doll. I bought beautiful dresses and every cute shoe I laid eyes on. I spend hours learning to braid and gave you the biggest bow collection around. I have bought ear rings and bracelets necklaces and 10 different scarfs. I loved those little moments with you. You had no clue that I was trying to soak up as much of you as I could . Every morning that you complained about me brushing your hair was another little memory that I could hold on to. see very soon I am going to need all these little moments because our time as best friends is coming to an end.
          I have never allowed you to have a boyfriend . Even at 5 when the neighbors thought it was cute to refer to their grandson as your boyfriend , I corrected them!   
I have never allowed you to dress provocatively  .  I always made sure that you knew that brumada shorts were super cute and a Princess lea costume is way more cool than a whorish monster high one.
I have never allowed or encouraged you to shake your booty instead we two stepped and learned the steps to Michaels Jacksons smooth criminal so we could be back up dancers for your brother.
   I am hoping that all these little things I have done will help you when making decisions later on. Believe me one day all those things will seem a lot more important than they do now.   very soon I will be ruining your life and you will not be able to understand my rules and restrictions until you have a daughter of your own.

You are going to sneak and have your first boyfriend before you are 32 . You are going to borrow your friends clothes and get caught posting a twerking video on instagram. You are going to break my rules and you are going to get into trouble . You are going to hate me for not letting you get your belly pierced at 14.    You are going to try to post photos on facebook ( or whatever social network you are using) that you will swear that everyone else is allowed to post and I will make you delete them, every single time.

see all these years of being your best friend was to give me the strength to stand up to you and not be your best friend when you need a mother. To be the party pooper , the old lady, The sucky ass person, the meanest mother on the earth! I am prepared to be all of those and more ! !! I love you child but the first time I see a photo of you looking even remotely half naked I will burn all your clothes and force you wear nothing but footed sleepers to school and I will break out the old bow collection.  

I would keep writing but I think I have gave my self enough words to eat in the near future!