Wednesday, October 18, 2017

I am a liberal , Maybe I am the problem.

   I live in an area where liberals can be viewed as a threat to a certain way of life.
    It's a simple way of life where things move forward very slowly and people are scared of change.  Opinions are handed down like an old quilt that was hand made from your great grandma .  It's an area where tobacco grows in fields and plantations look untouched by the changing times.  
In the center of main street next to the candy shop and old court house stands a confederate soldier.  The streets are lined with metal reminders of battles that were fought and lost.  Rebel flags hang from porches and Trump signs line the yards .  Mayberry is just right up the road and Dale Earnhardt comes in a close second to Jesus as the best man to walk the earth.  
     This town is full of what CNN labels as uneducated voters. Its the factory workers who no longer have jobs.  Its the mechanics who eat lunch with grease up to their elbows.  The welders, the brick masons, the farmers ,the machine operators .  The men and women who work their asses off every day to still be considered lower class second rate citizens by some news anchor man.  The people that the rest of the world likes to pretend doesn't exist.   The people who vote based on what effects them directly and not by what is better for everyone else. 
 One would think that this place would be the breeding ground for hate and KKK members but honestly I have met very few truly racist people.  I have however met people who could very easily be viewed as racist by liberals like myself.      At first glance I myself thought I was living in bigot country USA but after spending some time actually listening and learning, I have come to understand this small town way of thinking.  I don't always agree with it but to understand it you have to know where the people are coming from.
    Around here the Civil war wasn't about slavery it was about standing your ground and protecting what was yours .  It was defending themselves against a government that they didn't want and a President that they didn't agree with.  Much like we see today amongst those who say " not my president" in regards to Trump . 
      You have to understand the stories that have been handed down and those that haven't,  to grasp what people are talking about when they say Heritage not Hate. I am not talking about the Stories that we learned in history class I am talking about the Stories told by grandpa.
Stories of homes being burnt to the ground and women raped by union soldiers.  Stories about how people starved to death or fled in fear of starving.  Stories about how great great uncle Clem who worked the fields along side slaves was shot and killed over a war he wasn't fighting in.     People today still feel like they must protect what is theirs.  They fly flags as a reminder that they will not be backed into a corner and will stand their ground . 
  Around here just 1 generation ago kids took their shot guns to school  so they could go hunting after. They didn't know anyone openly gay and their grandpa refered to Samuel L. Jackson as that colored man in the movies.  While the rest of the world was making leaps towards equality and equal opportunity. The people in this town just stood in a place and wondered what the problem was.

   Thanks to stories handed down by grandpa and people on YouTube like upchurch the redneck,  the rebel flag has become a fashion statement amongst the younger generation.   It no longer has any direct link to a dark part of our history . It has became a way to show the world that you are a redneck.  Someone who likes to hunt, fish and yell Yee Yee from the window of their old truck.  When talk started of removing confederate  flags and banning them, people went wild buying them up like Bluetooth fidget spinners. They done so to prove a point to liberals that they would not go down without a fight. Tell me you don't like this flag and I will put a 100 in my yard. Tell me you don't like guns and I will buy up even more.  Now Kids of every race sport rebel flag belt buckles and have giant flags flying from the bed of their pick up trucks.  It's not viewed as a racist symbol by anyone other than liberals like me.
      I hear words and phrases everyday that make my head spin in liberal circles . Words that are used with no direct meaning behind them.  Words that they have used their whole lives while drinking a cold beer by the fire.  Words that day time television would bleep out and radio stations would refuse to air. When they use these word they aren't labeling someone or judging someone by their skin color . They don't think about how that word has been used through out history to discriminate or hurt people , but that is exactly what I think about when I hear these words. 
     Maybe I am the one with the problem.  It is me who puts different meanings behind the words that people use . It is me who acts like 1 word or 1 flag is enough to label someone a racist. It is me who feels like I have to right to accuse someone of feeling something just because it makes me feel uncomfortable.    I am the one judging people when I haven't even taken the time to listen to what they are saying.
How can I say what someone else means or feels ? 
   As much as I hear these words I also see these same people stopping to help the old man along side the road.  I see them mowing their neighbors yard. I see them adopting a family from the Christmas angel tree. I see them every Sunday sitting beside people from all walks of life in the church pews.  I see them drop money in the salvation army bucket and holding clothing drives for the family who lost everything  in a fire.   I have never once seen or heard them ask what color the skin was of the person they were helping .  Maybe their actions should speak louder than their words.  Maybe us liberals should stop talking so much and start listening .  We are the ones who are so quick to judge and label someone by a word, a flag or by who they voted for.   If one word makes us think of a certain group of people when it is not used in that context then maybe we are the ones with the problem after all!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Public restrooms

What is and what is not acceptable in a public restroom seems to be a very hot topic right now.  Big bussiness are taking advantage of the sitiutaion to get a little free advertising . Everybody is walking around with a cellphone camera in their face giving thier opinion in hopes of going viral and becoming the next new thing.   I have found myself in a few heated conversations over the subject and I am sure many of you have as well.    I live in North Carolina where thoughts on public Bathrooms has taking on a whole life of it's own. Everyone thinks you are either promoting the public molestation of young girls or you are a racist bigot.  People fail to see the grey area around a subject and choose to only see 2 sides when in fact the possibility for an opinion is endless.  I believe that any opinion based on real facts can not be a wrong opinion.

    So I have sat and thought about how shity public restrooms are and  I figured since everyone is talking about them now would be a good time to bring up what I don't want in public restrooms!

1. Locks and latches within reach of a toddler .   It is hard enough to use the potty with a toddler in the stall with you adding sound effects but it becomes a game of peekaboo with anyone standing outside when your toddler can reach the latch .   Also Latches that are broken and have been replaced with locks that look like they were installed my Tim the tool man Taylor.

 Why is this not in every public restroom?


 2.  Pee all over the seat!  I don't know when the fear of your ass coming in contact with a toilet seat became so strong that women now try to stand up and pee but Jesus how hard is it to wipe the seat off.  Hell I think my teenage son who does jumping jacks (i am guessing here) while peeing has better aim than most women. Heck maybe we do need urinals in the womens restroom for those with toilet seat phobia .

3.  Changing stations across from the sinks or two steps inside the door.   Wrangling a baby with a poopy diaper is hard enough without being right in the middle of the traffic flow and all the commentary from every snooty person who walks by.   Is it too much to ask for the changing table to be inside an empty stall? Give the mother and baby a little privacy! 

4.   A mother breastfeeding on the toilet!   In the diaper changing stall can we get a bench to sit down and feed our baby since so many people think breastfeeding in public is an abomination against nature or something now .   Nobody should ever feel like they have to feed their baby in a public bathroom but if they choose to then there should be some place for them to sit and do it!

5. urinals with no stall/walls around it !  I was shocked when I walked into a mens restroom ( I have the bladder of a 3 year old and the alcohol tolerance to match) and seen grown men standing elbow to elbow with their, well you get the idea.   Men deserve the same amount of privacy as women !  Who's idea was it to make men pee side by side anyhow? have they not seen how poorly they are at hitting the target?

6. Sinks and soap dispensers  that can not be reached by any one under 5 foot tall.  I have almost killed someone before trying to hold a baby on one hip and using my knee to lift my toddler up high enough that he could reach the sink to wash his hands.    Why do public places think we are all 6 foot tall? this can also go for toilet height as well.  
7. A kid getting a spanking.  I know this goes against every parenting advice you have ever gotten but if you choose to spank your child do that shit at home!   I hate walking into a restroom only to hear some little kid getting his behind tore up because he Touched something he shouldn't have. It takes everything I have not to say something to that parent.   I think all public restrooms should have a sign that says No Spankings allowed in here! 

8.  Silence !  All public restrooms should have a todays hits station playing. The music should be just loud enough that you feel safe to fart. Men do not understand the skill we women have to learn to be able to pee and not fart.    I am tired of not being able to poop in a public restroom for fear that someone might hear me and recognize my shoes later. 
9.  Toilet paper that I can see through. I know everyone is on a budget but come on now Angel soft is not that expensive!   I am not asking for the quilted stuff just something that actually does the job without causing damage to the tender areas of a person.  Heck you can't even blow your nose with the stuff found in most public restrooms.
10. Judgmental people!  People who can not just walk into a restroom do what they need to do and walk out. The people who make comments about smells, sounds, or looks of another person.  When I walk into a restroom I am thinking about one thing and that is to get in and get out without loosing a kid .  I don't care who is next to me unless they have angel soft in their purse.  I don't care if you play battle shits with the person next to you.    I am not in there looking to make a new friend. I am not hanging around to see what the person next to me looks like. I am walking in and out with blinders on.
      I want restrooms to be more user friendly and safer  and I believe that we can have that one day without telling any group of people which restroom they can or can not use .   I would love to not have to send my preteen son into the men's restroom alone. I would love for my husband to not have to send our daughter into the women's restroom alone. However like most people I am not comfortable with opening restrooms to any gender with the way restrooms are designed right now.  Safety is and will always be my number 1 concern and that goes for those of the GLBT ( is that the right order?) community .  Right now public restrooms offer very little privacy and security to its users and even less if you have to use the mens .  Restrooms can be made to be gender neutral but still offer the privacy that people need by using full length stalls with functional locks.  We would only be aware of who we were washing our hands next to and lets face it very few people are even washing their hands.  It would be like a row of porta potty's   In a room with a row of sinks that are designed for those both above and below 5 ft tall. Because Nobody cares who is using the porta potty beside them even though it is a gender neutral design.
 I hope that some day we can redesign the public restroom so that it is safer for everyone and doesn't limit any one person the right to poop while listening to the newest Justin Timberlake song.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

My daughters broken Heart

We had to get rid of my daughters cats. The 2 cats would not stop using the bathroom inside no matter what I tried. One cat liked to pee inside the closets or if all the closet doors were closed she would find a place behind something. The other cat had a favorite spot in the corner of the living room.  I would clean the carpet as soon as I discovered they had used the bathroom but the smell started to get bad inside the house.    I tried letting them outside as much as possible to help cut down on their accidents but it didn't help. 
   My husband bought new wood flooring for the house, we were finally going to get rid of that 1970s shag carpet.  I was so excited about the flooring then came the bad news... We have to get rid of the cats first. For months the flooring has sat stacked on my carport for months my husband has kept his word... I am not putting this flooring in until the cats are  gone. 
     A guy that he worked with wanted the cats to live on his farm and help keep the rodents out of his barn.  This was the best option for 2 grown cats so we agreed to allow him to take the cats. Little did I know just how horrible this would be for my daughter........
She is so heart broken and I do not not know how to help her understand.   My own heart breaks every time I look at her face and see her blood shot eyes.  She may never forgive me for this.   When she looks at me I know that she is hating me and I cant take it . I was supposed to protect her from this kind of pain. She trusted me to never let anyone hurt her and yet I failed to do that today.   I never want her heart to be broken again but sadly I know that this moment is just the beginning.  There is no feeling worse than knowing your child is hurting in a way you can not kiss away.

    I would be lying if I didn't say That I didn't hate my husband right now.  He was the one who made choice  arranged it all and gave the final demand that the cats must go and yet he is not the one sitting here with a broken hearted sobbing little girl in his lap.   He is patting himself on the shoulder thinking how proud he is of himself for standing his ground . He thinks he is a man but all I see when I look at him is a coward .   He should be the one comforting his daughter. He should be feeling guilty for breaking her heart.  

    If breaking my daughters heart can change how I look at my own husband a man I have been with for 17 years A man that I forgave for breaking my own heart  how will I feel when some random jackass teenager breaks her heart?   How will I control my own emotions enough to help her through?  Will I sit there sobbing right beside her like I am now?   How do I tell her that the worst feeling she has ever had will happen again and again in her life?   How do I tell her that loving something means you accept all the pain that might come along with it one day.

     I don't know what to say except I am sorry.  Inside my own heart is torn apart and I want to hate someone so much.    I want to say fuck you as I walk out to go get her cat back.  I want to say I don't give a shit about smells or floors I just want my daughter to be happy again.... I want her cats back!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016


    What if he gets left behind?    What if he gets lost?  What if he gets on the wrong bus?   What if he hears the older kids talking?
         My husband couldn't understand why I didn't want our son riding the bus. To be honest the only reason was because  I wanted to take him to school everyday to be on first name bases with all his teachers and I wanted to join the PTO .  I was going to be " that Mom" ! 
           I took him to school everyday and everyday he cried his little heart out.   I would spend all day wondering how long he cried for me and feeling like crap for leaving him.    .
     Every day of kindergarten I walked him to class with his little brother asleep in my arms and everyday I would have to get someone to peal him off my leg and walk away as he cried for me.  
  During the summer  between kindergarten  and first grade not only did I find myself pregnant with my third child The school changed administrators.   The first day of school I was greeted at the door like many other parents with the news that we would no longer be allowed to walk our children to class.  We were giving 2 weeks to adjust then we must drop our kids off in the car rider line.    My son cried everyday of those 2 weeks.    On the third week of school I drove through the car rider line and fought my son out of the car as he begged me not to leave him.  Worried about him being so upset I drove around the school  and walked in.  I found my first grader  standing in the 5th grade hall scared and crying.    The car rider line came in on different side than he was used to and he got lost.    I left him in his class room crying with hopes that one day it would get easier.  On my way out of the school I was approached by the new vice principle who very sternly reminded me of their new policy.   I tired to explain to him what had happen but he wasn't listening.
      The next morning My son refused to get out of the car in the car rider line. He cried repeatedly telling me he was scared and didn't think he could remember his way to class.    I pulled around to the front and with My first grader at my side,  my sleeping toddler in my arm and a great big pregnant belly I walked into the school.   I walked right past the office where the vice principle came running out.   He followed me closely all the way down the hall and the more he yelled about rules the faster I walked.  Once I reached my sons class room I bent down and kissed my crying son and told him I would see him in the afternoon but before my son could protest the vice principle grabbed me by my free arm and jerked me around  yelling that I had to leave the school right now.  My son went hysterical grabbing for me The vice asswipe went to grab my son. I screamed loudly enough to wake my sleeping toddler in my arms " YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME OR MY CHILD"      I was escorted out of the school  and the law was called.
                           I wrote a letter to the editor of the news paper about my experience and my frustration with the schools lack of help or concern. I thought I would receive support from other parents but I was very wrong.    A few days after my letter was posted in the paper I was approached by another parent and asked if I had been reading the online comments about my letter.  I went online to find 3 pages of comments .   "Time to cut the apron strings"  " Another jail inmate in the making " " who does the mother think she is?"  " should have had her arrested "   " Guess who will have a 30 year old kid living in their basement"    I broke down and cried as I read the comments .  This was back before facebook,  before trolls or the perfect mom groups.  This was people in my community, my neighbors , the other parents I talked to everyday,  people I have never met and they were all bashing me.     I kept my son home from school for a day or two because I didn't know what to do or how to face all the other parents.
    When my son returned to school we had an agreement I would walk him to the front doors of the school but I couldn't come into the school or I would get into trouble .  I stood right outside the front doors with Vice asshole standing right on the other side watching me.  My son cried and begged me to stay with him or take him with me.   At some point his teachers assistant started meeting me at the front door and taking my son with her  to help me out. ( thank you !)  He would still cry all the way to school and all the way to the front doors but he would willing go with the assistant . She was so great and would say things like Lets go eat some breakfast why mommy goes and gets ready for your baby sister. This woman done what nobody else would do.. she helped me! 

                           My daughter was born in January and it was just to hard and cold to try to drag a baby and toddler out every morning and afternoon.  As much as I didn't want to I asked my son what he thought about riding the school bus for a little while. I was so worried about him crying or not wanting to get on or off the bus but it was supposed to be a temporary  thing just until it got a little warmer and the baby got a little older, 1 month maybe 2.   My son got on the school bus that morning without shedding 1 single tear and when he got off the bus in the afternoon he was full of stories.   He had made a buddy on the bus and some kid got into trouble for chewing gum. It was like some kind of adventure to him.  That evening he said Mom I want to ride the bus forever.  My son has rode the bus ever since and never cried again    When  the other two started school I took them the first day just because they have all those boxes of tissues and hand sanitizer they have to carry,  After that they rode the bus.     
      I like so many other parents was scared to death of letting my kids ride the school bus, but I learned that this is a great time for kids to grow.  In school kids are giving less and less time to be social and make friends . The bus is now where this happens . Its the only time the kids have to talk and learn other things besides common core .   The bus is where my son heard about sex ( sort of) Its where my daughter heard that the tooth fairy  wasn't real. Its where my middle son heard that jenny broke up with Adam because he was sitting next to Heather at lunch. Its where my daughter heard a Drake song for the first time.  All of these things are part of growing up well except the Drake song.  My kids heard it from friends just like I did as a kid and they came asking me questions just like I did my mom.   
      Parents are now quick to tell you how horrible of a mother you are for putting your kids on the school bus.   These are the parents who spend 45 minutes in the car rider line while I am sitting at home drinking wine playing on Facebook.    The same parents who told me that I needed to cut the apron strings just a few years ago. 
   The bus saved me and my son and I will never feel guilty for doing something that works best for my family!  
                           For the record 
 800 kids are killed annually during school transportation but less than 2% are bus passengers . 
The nationwide safety record For the 25 million children who do not ride the bus everyday to and from school is
     448 fatalities in passenger vehicles with a teenage driver
     169 fatalities in a passenger vehicle with an adult driver
      131 fatalities to pedestrians
   for children who ride the bus everyday to and from school
      5 passenger fatalities
15  pedestrian fatalities at bus stops

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Confessions of a Bad Mom : Dear Daughter

Confessions of a Bad Mom : Dear Daughter

Dear Daughter

Dear daughter,

You think you have the whole world figured out and that being a teenager is going to be the greatest thing ever.

Little do you know that you are about to face some of the hardest times of your life. Yes it has been a short life with not a whole lot to compare it to , but  being a teenager sucks.  What happens to you in the next few years will seem to last forever, These times can shape you or haunt you. I am here to help you along the way , But I know our relationship is about to be tested and I am trying to prepare myself .

From the moment you were born I have treated you like you were my personal Barbie doll. I bought beautiful dresses and every cute shoe I laid eyes on. I spend hours learning to braid and gave you the biggest bow collection around. I have bought ear rings and bracelets necklaces and 10 different scarfs. I loved those little moments with you. You had no clue that I was trying to soak up as much of you as I could . Every morning that you complained about me brushing your hair was another little memory that I could hold on to. see very soon I am going to need all these little moments because our time as best friends is coming to an end.
          I have never allowed you to have a boyfriend . Even at 5 when the neighbors thought it was cute to refer to their grandson as your boyfriend , I corrected them!   
I have never allowed you to dress provocatively  .  I always made sure that you knew that brumada shorts were super cute and a Princess lea costume is way more cool than a whorish monster high one.
I have never allowed or encouraged you to shake your booty instead we two stepped and learned the steps to Michaels Jacksons smooth criminal so we could be back up dancers for your brother.
   I am hoping that all these little things I have done will help you when making decisions later on. Believe me one day all those things will seem a lot more important than they do now.   very soon I will be ruining your life and you will not be able to understand my rules and restrictions until you have a daughter of your own.

You are going to sneak and have your first boyfriend before you are 32 . You are going to borrow your friends clothes and get caught posting a twerking video on instagram. You are going to break my rules and you are going to get into trouble . You are going to hate me for not letting you get your belly pierced at 14.    You are going to try to post photos on facebook ( or whatever social network you are using) that you will swear that everyone else is allowed to post and I will make you delete them, every single time.

see all these years of being your best friend was to give me the strength to stand up to you and not be your best friend when you need a mother. To be the party pooper , the old lady, The sucky ass person, the meanest mother on the earth! I am prepared to be all of those and more ! !! I love you child but the first time I see a photo of you looking even remotely half naked I will burn all your clothes and force you wear nothing but footed sleepers to school and I will break out the old bow collection.  

I would keep writing but I think I have gave my self enough words to eat in the near future!


Thursday, August 6, 2015


Unless you have lived under a rock for the past 10 years then you have heard someone complaining about people on welfare.  If you have a facebook you probably see or read something daily about it.
I try to ignore the rude and down right uneducated remarks people make and the pictures that they share.   I often wonder how many people feel bullied and belittled by these types of things shared on social media. Can you imagine  how you might feel if you were one of the most hated people in America.   lets face it above all the  Politicians  ,  The KKK , The confederate flag , and even Gay and lesbians who want to get married  People on welfare are not only hated the most but have to endure the most judgmental accusing hate of all.


No matter their color. No matter their religious belief. No matter their sexual orientation They all hate people on welfare.   Even people on welfare hate people who receive more welfare.

  There is two different types of welfare social welfare  and corporate  welfare ( corporate subsidies) . 
     social welfare -
  SNAP - A food and Nutrition program better known as Foodstamps provides food assistance to 23 million households

Housing Assistance  - A program (HUD) that provides rental assistance and public housing

SSI - For disabled or blind people under the age of 65.

Pell Grants -  assistance for 9.2 million (2012) college students from low income homes.

TANF - Cash assistance to low income homes . Most states have a job requirement  to receive.

Free and Reduced school lunches  Provides free or reduced breakfast and lunch to 2.5 million school age children
Head Start - A preschool program

Job Training programs

WIC-  provides nutritional services to 8.7 million pregnant women and children under the age of 5.

Child Care Services  - Free or reduced child care costs  for low income homes.     Most states require at least one month employment before receiving assistance

LIHEAP - provides assistance with heating costs to low income homes

Lifeline   Better known as the Obama Phone,started off in 1986 to provide assistants with phone services and then  later free or reduced Cell phones  for low income homes.

Medicaid     health and medical services for 40 million families with low incomes and few resources.

So when you hear people talking about the people on Welfare they are talking about 1/3 of Americans who receive some type of assistance .

You have to work hard everyday because you have bills to pay and if every single person was kicked off of welfare you would still have to work just as hard to pay your bills.  The only way to not work hard would be for you to manipulate the system so that you can receive assistants yourself.
You don't have an IPhone because you have bad credit or you are not eligible  for an upgrade with your cellphone provider  yet.  because most phone companies have iPhones for a  $ .99 with 2 year contract or updated contract.   Neither one of those reasons are effected by people who receive welfare.

 Welfare Queen,  Kid popping Peggy  , Lazy Larry,   Foodstamp Tramp,  Jobless Joe  Whatever you call them They are in fact still people!   

Heck I would rather Lazy Larry  get my tax dollar  Then it be sent to  some other  country,  big oil or GM . Corporate welfare is the problem .
  I like how everyone who bitches about welfare  fails to mention how JP Chase Morgan has a contract to manage EBT cards in 21 states and made more than a half a billion dollars between 2012 and 2014 off those contracts.
New York alone paid $0.95 per month per each of its 1.7 million users to JP Chase with your tax dollar and people think that Jobless Joe is the problem!
  Foodstamps is the only time you see your tax dollar come back into your community and each dollar spent on Food stamps generates $1.70 in local economy activity .
Those tax dollars which cost the average tax payer about 10 cents a day that are used for Food stamps pumped 2.43 billion dollars into my states economy in 2012. Many small mom and pop stores wouldn't even be open today if it weren't for their foodstamp using costumers. Many small business would have to shut their doors or lay employees off if it weren't for their products being bought with foodstamps.
In 2012 the average tax payer who made 50 thousand dollars a year paid $36 into Social welfare programs and $6,000  corporate subsidies to big business .  Yet single mom Sally is the problem?
     Tell me any other program where you get to see your tax dollar come back into your area?
We can't even argue about planned parenthood  because  so many people would rather pay to kill a baby than to feed a baby.  I see people post anti abortion stuff all day long then turn right around and say stop popping out kids if you can't support them and I wonder do you want them to have the baby or not???   
   Shit I say give lying Larry and kid popping Peggy  their food stamps cause I would rather see my neighbor eating steaks than I would see another politician take a golf trip on my tax dollar or GM get another bailout while they use their personal jets to pick up the check!
        So everyone is  mad over the people on welfare who don't pay taxes but drive big new SUVs and have iphones .   When they bought that SUV they paid sales tax on it .  If they are making payments on it they are paying taxes on it. If they live in my state they are paying a yearly property tax on it.     When they bought that cell phone they paid taxes on it when they pay their monthly bills they are paying taxes.   Nobody except politicians  get to live tax free  solely off of your tax dollars
        When you complain about people on welfare you are not talking to the small percent of people who abuse the system you are talking to your neighbor who used Pell Grants to be a nurse. You are talking to your blind friend who receives SSI . You are talking to a family who doesn't know any other way. You are talking to half of your community and making them feel worse than they already do.
No this wasn't politically correct and my grammar is even worse but my point is clear stop judging people!!!!    

 Imagine waking up tomorrow and not knowing how you are going to feed your family. Maybe you lost your job or you over spent and now you have no money for groceries Your kids are hungry and the cabinets are bare what do you do? Do you think one single person who hates welfare is going to offer to buy your groceries or help you in any way? No they are only going to point fingers at you and tell you how you don't deserve to be a parent if you cant feed your kids. They are going to tell you how you should have thought about that before having sex. They will call you lazy and tell you what a burden you are on society. It doesn't matter if you have worked hard for 10 years and a broken leg has put you out of work for 3 months . It doesn't matter if you were just fired from the factory that you worked at for 20 years. It doesn't matter that you are swimming in debt of student loans and have yet to find a job. It doesn't matter if you were in a abusive relationship and trying to start over . It doesn't matter that you suffer from a mental dieses or addiction and cant not feed your children any other way.  YOU ARE A WERLFARE BUM IN THE EYES OF YOUR PEERS!